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Thursday, March 14, 2013

And our Superman of the Month: Cory Shelton!!

You can't deny what a nice guy Cory is. He is the guy who when he asks how your day is, he legitamatly interseted. He is listening to for your answer, his kindness and general good atttitude is infectious in the gym where he cares about all his fellow athletes and shows it wherever he can. We are fortunate to have him in our club!

Cory says:

When I came on this deployment I knew I was going to have extra time to get into shape.  My goal when I arrived was to loose fat, and gain lean muscle.

Being 33 I wanted to be in better shape in thirties than my twenties. I started by going to the gym, lifting weights, and running. Although I was starting to see results, I noticed that I was not getting the total body workout that I had originally wanted. I still had limited flexibility, and limited muscle definition. For several months my friend Brad Elam had been trying to get me to try Crossfit for the total body workout that it offers. I finally gave in to his persistence and showed up. In few short months that I have been going

I have notice more gains than the entire time I was going to the gym on my own. I have met a great group of people that I will continue to keep in touch with after I leave this deployment. Crossfit has given me the lifestyle change that I was looking for. It also has a sense of competition that I crave, but is also engulfed in camaraderie, because we will cheer for each other until the last person is finished.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    I also have a question for you. I will be in Prishtina for the next month. Is there any place that you know of that offers olympic lifting?

