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Thursday, March 14, 2013

And our Superman of the Month: Cory Shelton!!

You can't deny what a nice guy Cory is. He is the guy who when he asks how your day is, he legitamatly interseted. He is listening to for your answer, his kindness and general good atttitude is infectious in the gym where he cares about all his fellow athletes and shows it wherever he can. We are fortunate to have him in our club!

Cory says:

When I came on this deployment I knew I was going to have extra time to get into shape.  My goal when I arrived was to loose fat, and gain lean muscle.

Being 33 I wanted to be in better shape in thirties than my twenties. I started by going to the gym, lifting weights, and running. Although I was starting to see results, I noticed that I was not getting the total body workout that I had originally wanted. I still had limited flexibility, and limited muscle definition. For several months my friend Brad Elam had been trying to get me to try Crossfit for the total body workout that it offers. I finally gave in to his persistence and showed up. In few short months that I have been going

I have notice more gains than the entire time I was going to the gym on my own. I have met a great group of people that I will continue to keep in touch with after I leave this deployment. Crossfit has given me the lifestyle change that I was looking for. It also has a sense of competition that I crave, but is also engulfed in camaraderie, because we will cheer for each other until the last person is finished.

Athlete of the Month March- Super Woman

Our Girl Chris!!

Our March Female Athlete of the month is Christin Roberts:

Chris has been with us from the very beginning and has a silent steady way about her. We are proud of her accomplishments. Though she is often hiding in the background silently doing hard work, we see her back there and are happy she is part of our community. Congrats Chris, now get to work!!

From Chris:

"I am a marathoner that doesn’t quite have the look of a runner. This is the reason I started CrossFit with the main goal to lose a few, 20lbs and counting, and become a faster runner, 1:30 off of two mile run.
After the initial beat down that CrossFit gave me what kept me coming back was the friendly no judgment atmosphere. Everybody has to start somewhere right? Looking back at my start I have gone from being terrified to jump on anything higher than an aerobic step to doing 24” box jumps. Struggling with lifting just the bar to being able to put on and lift RX weight.
My tiny baby goals pull me through and keep me coming back. My next goals are double unders and toes to bars…..after that whatever else I can’t do……yet. I can only hope that once I get home I can find and continue to grow under great coaching and mentors in a box as awesome as ours."

Friday, February 1, 2013

Athlete Profile

We couldn't go another month without recognizing our second Athlete of the Month, Angela Parady.

Angela has been a key part of bringing CrossFit to Kosovo, she is one of the main reasons that CrossFit KFOR exists and will continue to exist well into the future.

She is passionate about the sport and driven to not only improve herself but others around her. She pushes everyone around her to do better and try to keep up!

Here is what she has to say,

"Bored with the normal routine and my life I finally caved and joined a CrossFit box in 2012. A close friend had been raving about CrossFit forever, and I wanted to check it out. I have always been fit, but I remember the first workout, it was rowing and 100 push presses, with the empty bar. I wanted to die after. This is what people do for fun? I was hooked. I couldn’t wait to go back.     
            For some people, the movements come easily. They get pull-ups, muscle-ups, snatches, but for me, a former runner, everything was a challenge. But I worked my ass off and never gave up. I remember getting my first pull-up, It took me over 6 months, but I got it, and now I can do 100+ in a workout.
            Struggling through WOD’s, taught me that I can overcome things I didn’t think I could before. It helped put my life back into perspective and helped change a lot of unhealthy behaviors I had at the time. I face life head on; ready for whatever it has to offer. I am much more outspoken with what I want and how I feel.  I am better at overcoming obstacles, whether they are in a WOD, at work, at home. I find my strength in knowing that I can do what I couldn’t do before. I am not just stronger physically, but emotionally as well. I know that I can get through whatever challenge is before me and I know that somewhere along the line I will find my success. I have pushed and pulled my body to do things I never thought I could. Move 95 lbs over my head 30 times in less than 4 minutes? Done. 100 pull-ups? Done.
            Crossfit has also given me a sense of community.  A group of people that I have bled with, cried with and laughed with. Back home, I WOD with a group of women who were all on the same mission as I, become stronger, more confident and fit. It is nice to be able to have friends who have similar outlooks on health and fitness, and for someone who has often had a hard time making friends with other women, it was nice to finally have that connection. We all had our struggles with body image, with food, but we were overcoming it, one workout at a time. I remember right before I left, I was sitting with the other women and we were watching one of their daughters push through the WOD. We marveled at how much CrossFit can help young girls with their body image. All through our young lives, we were told that being big is bad, and we starved ourselves, ran until we were going to be injured. We all strive to look like the models we see on TV. Now, CrossFit is giving these girls new role models, Katie Hogan, Kristen Clever, Christie Phillips, Lindsey Valenzuela, Julie Foucher. These are healthy, strong women that teenagers can look up to for inspiration. Even just looking around our box here in Kosovo, the men and women that come in, struggle through a workout and don’t give up, are role models.
            CrossFit has dramatically improved my life. I am stronger from the inside out, stronger and fitter to handle life—it’s ups and downs and whatever comes your way. Most days, I can leave my stress at the door when I walk into a box. After a bad day, there is nothing like facing the barbell head on, until you have nothing left and are dripping with sweat. I still have a lot to accomplish in CrossFit, in life, but knowing that I can get through the worst in a workout, helps me realize I can keep striving to be the best. In my life I have been places I don’t want to be, and now I have the confidence, the strength, and the willpower to make changes to keep myself away from that past. "

Athlete of the month!!

Well it's February and it's time for our athletes of the month!!

We like to take a look at some of our athletes who are doing their best everyday for themselves and the community. Our male Athlete of the Month is:


As a coach Don is great to watch, he knows is limitations but still pushes himself as best he can during every workout, even after the whole gym has packed up and gone home he still never gives up! It's been inspiring watching his progress!

Here is what he has to say:

"I’m 44 years old and an EMS helicopter pilot both here and back home in the civilian world.
Being a father of 6 kids and recently re-married, it is hard to find quality time to work out and stay in shape. My goal when I came to Kosovo was to find something that I could do to get in shape that would easily maintain itself when I got back home.

Crossfit, through a lot of peer pressure from my friends, is that something. It is a complete workout and you don’t need to spend hours and hours in the gym or miles on the road to get and stay in shape. It allows you to get a quality workout in a short amount of time per day.

The major thing that has kept me going and sticking with the workouts has to be the encouragement and positive atmosphere at the gym. They make you “want” to come back for more every day. Thanks to everyone there who helps and keeps everyone going and working hard.

I like the idea that it gives you the ability to do the things in life that require you to be “in shape”. I like to mountain bike and snow ski. I know these workouts will give me the energy and endurance to enjoy them more in the future. I will also be able to keep up with my kids!!!"

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Six rounds for time of:
24 Squats
24 Push-ups
24 Walking lunge steps
Run 400 meters


Enlarge image
U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Edwardo Loredo, 34, of Houston, Texas, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on June 24, 2010 in Jelewar, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife, First Sergeant Jennifer Loredo; his daughter, Laura Isabelle; his stepdaughter, Alexis; and his son, Eduardo Enrique.

January Athlete of the Month

This time we have TWO ATHLETES as it was such a big month.

Donald Batiste and Kristen Walls

Both Donald and Kristen come in and do the work and are always looking to improve themselves. They care about bettering themselves and their community. So thank you to both of them! Here is what they have to say for themslelves:

From Kristen:

Competition builds confidence, community

"For this year my personal goal has been and still is to become a stronger, faster, fitter, and leaner athlete. I also don’t want to be that stereotypical police officer who is seen as lazy and unfit or the army officer who does not have the respect of their soldiers because they can’t PT. I want to be the exact opposite. I want to be the police officer who sets the example for other officers to stay active and fit. I want to be the army officer who can keep up with their soldiers and can lead PT. I know that CrossFit can help me achieve these goals.

In the past many workout routines just never worked with me. CrossFit is different. CrossFit is not only a workout it’s a community. One that supports you through your physical and mental challenges and never gives up on you; as I’ve seen with the Crossfit KFOR community. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people overcome these challenges with.

I am so glad that I took the opportunity to get involved in CrossFit. I’ve noticed so many positive changes in my life because of it. Overall, I’m a happier and healthier person. I plan on continuing with CrossFit when I return home and hopefully get those back home involved. "

From Donald:

Crossfit was the not in my plans when coming on this mission. I was introduced by another soldier. It was an eye opening event. The group was amazing and the coaching was even more impressive. I did not have any goals at that time 2.5 months ago. My personal goals is to become Level 1 certified after this deployment. The other man goal is to learn as much as I can before leaving CBS and one day compete. Crossfit has help my run time without any mileage on the road or treadmill. November I took a diagnostic APFT and ran a 13:37, December I took a record APFT and ran 12:08. The only training I did was Crossfit. Crossfit has become an enjoyment (even with rip hands and all). Crossfit is not a fad it is my way of Life.

Great work from our two Athletes of the Month!!